This Easter Saturday, channel your inner T-Rex and crash on down to Walkergate for a spectacular Dino filled-day! Saturday 8th April, from 10:30am until 3:30pm.
It is a little known fact that not only medieval knights stormed Durham castle, but dinosaurs also stomped and roared across the local landscape millions of years ago. Now, they’re back! Spotted around Walkergate, dinosaurs are popping out to play with the children of Durham. All families are invited to this once in a millennia meeting of the Dinos of Durham.

What We’ll Be Digging Up On The Day
Four giant interactive dinosaurs will be roaring away at Walkergate, making up for millions of years of extinction. A 9ft T-Rex, Tyrion the toothy, will be available for photos with small visitors, and Dino Puppets will be performing for families + lots more!

Visitors can enjoy educational shows that will take viewers on a journey back to the forgotten time of dinosaur dominance when the world was one giant forest filled with stomping feet, and in the oceans lounged the reptilian Liopleurodon.
Dino Show Times. Saturday 8th April, 10:30am until 3:30pm.
Show 1 10:30am
Show 2. 12:30pm
Show 3. 1:30pm
Show 4. 3:00pm
Plenty of opportunities will be available for family photos with our long-extinct herd of Durham Dinos, and you can even dig your teeth into a Triceratops! Just kidding, but food & drink will be available in the restaurants, bars and eateries of Walkergate, along with fun interactive activities, educational adventures, and ginormous dino statues – don’t miss out!